The following information outlines the Scope of Practice of a Tantra Practitioner as defined by the Embodied Awakening Academy. We hope this helps to give a sense of the kind of work we offer.
- The Embodied Awakening Academy’s (EAA) Tantric Practice embraces the rich heritage of Tantra, which integrates various ancient spiritual practices and contemporary modalities – including traditional Tantra, mindfulness, energy work, somatic embodiment, Kundalini body work, sacred sexuality, breathwork, shadow work and Jungian psychology – to foster personal growth and a profound connection with the universe.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners support clients in accessing their energy centers—Animal, Heart, and Consciousness—through practices that include conversation, breath, sound, movement, and consensual touch.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners support clients to open their hearts to a fulfilling, beautiful and connected existence where ease, joy and power are always available.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners work with individuals and couples, both in person and online, in a client-centred process to help clients navigate their personal journeys related to intimacy and sexuality, relationships, self-empowerment, purpose, and well-being, as well as living life to their greatest potential.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners understand sexuality as a fundamental aspect of human experience that encompasses emotional and spiritual dimensions.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners utilise a non-invasive style of listening to the body that provides safety for the client to activate their own kundalini/life force energy rather than encouraging erotic transference. Gentle, guiding touch may be used with consent, always fully clothed and excluding any direct genital contact or kissing.
- EAA practices are rooted in the principles of safety, consent, and self-responsibility, acknowledging that clients should have a baseline of mental and emotional stability that enables them basic functionality in everyday life.
- While EAA Tantra Practitioners may offer guidance and support in various aspects of personal growth, spirituality, and intimate relationships through the lens of Tantra, they are not qualified to provide professional counselling or therapy services. Their training typically focuses on the spiritual and energetic dimensions of human experience rather than clinical psychology or trauma therapy.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners are trained in trauma informed practice to recognize and support clients if trauma arises during sessions and to redirect a client’s focus to foster grounding and safety.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners do not diagnose or treat medical or psychological conditions and may refer clients to appropriate professionals when necessary. They do not treat chronic pain or any other physical ailment or disorder; prescribe medication; or interfere with prescriptions offered by other practitioners.
- EAA Tantra Practitioners are also not trained to work with chronic addictive behaviours, eating disorders, physical and domestic abuse, those with intention to cause physical harm, clients that are on a lot of medication, or who have chronic gut conditions. However, there may be improvements in these areas as a by-product of this work.
- In the case that these conditions are declared by a client, the practitioner may decline to work with them, or request that they address these issues with a trained medical and/or mental health professional. With They may be able to continue working with the client within the Scope of Practice.
- Alternatively, the practitioner may feel they can continue working with the client, with the understanding that addressing more specific chronic or acute issues is not within the scope of practice of a Tantra Practitioner and that therefore the client may require additional support.
If you have any questions around the above information, please do not hesitate to reach out.