Embrace Joy: Julie Spark’s Thoughts on Finding Happiness

Hello, radiant beings! It’s your favorite spark of joy, Julie, here to chat about a topic that’s as timeless as it is provocative – finding that zest for life that keeps our inner fire burning bright.

I recently stumbled upon a quote from the legendary Elizabeth Taylor in the film Boom, and it got me thinking. She quipped, You know what I need to get myself out of this depression, no meds, I need to get myself a lover! One orgasm a day keeps the shrink away! Now, while this is quite a bold statement, it’s more about the underlying message than the specifics. It’s about seeking out joy and pleasure, in whatever form that may be, as an antidote to the blues we all face from time to time. ✨💖

In Elizabeth’s world, passion was a powerful elixir – and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t agree that a healthy love life can work wonders for our mood? But let’s broaden the horizon beyond the boudoir. Discovering joy can be in the loving embrace of a partner, yes, but it can also be in the laughter shared with friends, the quiet moments of contentment in solitude, or in pursuing the hobbies that make your heart sing. 🎶🤗

It’s about that connection, that spark – it could be love, creativity, or even the simple appreciation of life’s little pleasures. So maybe it’s one kiss, one paint stroke, one chord strummed on a guitar that keeps the gloom at bay and the doctors at arm’s length. Because when we tune into what genuinely delights us, the weight of the world seems just a little bit lighter. 🎨🎸

I believe in the holistic approach to well-being: a little self-love, a splash of adventure, and a heaping spoonful of doing what – or being with who – makes you happy. So go ahead, take Elizabeth’s fiery spirit to heart in a way that resonates with you and seek out those daily doses of ecstasy that color your cheeks and lift your spirits. 🌈😊

Remember, my loves, it’s okay to prioritize your joy. It’s more than okay – it’s necessary. In the pursuit of happiness, let’s not forget to nurture the soul, cherish the present, and always, always keep that inner sparkle shining.

Pop the bubbly of life and let’s toast to the pursuit of happiness in all its beautiful forms!

Stay joyful,
Julie Spark

Book Series:

From Slow to Flow

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