New moon in Aquarius, incredible Tarot reading for the collective with Lauren and Mija Wellness

New moon tarot reading for the collective with @mija.wellness

As we start a new calendar year, new lunar cycle, and new Year of the Rabbit, Aquarius energy calls us as a collective to connect with our deep-rooted desires and set bold intentions aligned with the authentic Self!

This tarot spread, inspired by @biddytarot, covers a lot of ground, including messages on:

– getting in touch with our unique gifts

– speaking our truth

– breaking away from disempowering behavior patterns

– accessing our genius

– connecting meaningfully with aligned communities

– how we can collectively benefit from expressing vulnerability

– what’s the highest intention for our collective freedom

– best energy to carry through winter to springtime (a question from @marianamcgrathmakeup)

– did it resonate?! Let us know in the comments!

– Next new moon reading will be on IG LIVE Feb 19 @ 9PM eastern/ Feb 20 @ 9AM Thailand. Happy to pull cards on any questions you may have, so tune in!

Sending blessings and love 💕

Focus our energy on manifesting our desires


A new moon is the first phase of the moon’s cycle when the moon is not visible in the night sky. Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac and is symbolized by the Water Bearer. The new moon in Aquarius is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, a time to focus on our hopes and dreams. We can use the new moon in Aquarius to set intentions for the coming year, and to focus on manifesting our goals and desires. Creating a ritual to honor the new moon in Aquarius can help us to focus our energy and intentions on manifesting our goals. Writing down our intentions and goals for the coming year is a great way to focus our energy on manifesting our desires.

New Moon Almanac



Guidance for intentions setting

This new moon is at the start of the lunar New Year, it is the first new moon of the calendar year. We bring some guidance for setting intentions.


– What are the best energies to be working with currently? 

– The downloads for what the collective really needs right now?


This new moon is Aquarius, where the moon is directly in between the Earth and the Sun. The sky is dark.


A new moon symbolically means a blank slate, a fresh start each month. A portal supporting new exciting changes. Propelling you forward toward your wildest visions. The first New moon of 2023, on the lunar new year. 


A perfect moment to set your intentions for the next month, but also for the next year. Allowing you to commit to change fully.


This new moon in Aquarius is challenging your beliefs, it’s seeing limitless possibilities, and there is a form of idealism in the air.


It is grounding yourself with calming rituals and staying relaxed. Creating space, to listen to the whispers of the universe and your subconscious, because that Moon is telling you that you are unique.


Identifying these innovative concepts to grow and expand. Your ideas are a gift, it is time to dream without pressure on results. Simply doing your best.


Where are you, people? Connect with like- minded people. And give yourself a chance to feel seen, heard, and understood.


  •  Do you sometimes feel like you have to pretend?
  • Ask yourself if you build a life centered around your authentic principles. 
  • What is no longer serving your growth?

You can become your truest self. Make choices giving you ultimate freedom.


Ask yourself:


  • What does your tribe look like?

  • Are you coloring outside the lines enough?

  • Are you afraid to share your magic?

  • Do you hold from speaking your authentic truth?

  • Are you hiding, and following the pack?




  • Do something you have never done before

  • Take space, go into turtle mode, and listen to the whispers of your soul

  • Widen your vision

  • In silence, I find my true self 



You were born in original, don’t die a copy.

You are here to distract the world with your brilliant ideas. It is time to go for it, no matter how crazy your ideas are. 


Sources: Inspired by The Pattern, and Lauren Mc Grath of Mija Wellness.

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From Slow to Flow

Become the best version of yourself




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